Submitted by Deanna on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 14:45

As personal injury is one of the most popular niches in the legal lead generation industry, many attorneys wonder how they can receive free personal injury leads. While it is challenging to find a consistent source for free PI leads, there are some ways your firm can generate personal injury cases inexpensively so you can afford other marketing options.

How to Generate Personal Injury Leads:

Option #1: Start a Blog

Blogging is one of the most common ways small law firms try to grow their online presence. By creating a blog, you can offer content catered to the ideal cases your personal injury firm seeks. For example, if your expertise is in auto accidents with a focus on bicycling, you could add blog posts about the top 5 things a cyclist can do after a car crash.

So can you get free personal injury leads from a blog? It depends. The first thing to consider is every personal injury firm in the country is looking for ways to generate personal injury leads for free, so you certainly won’t have the first PI blog online. The other issue with this tactic is it’s slow. You can expect to wait at least six months to receive consistent traffic to your blog, and that’s assuming you’re following SEO best practices. A blog may be too time consuming for a small firm without a digital marketing team to maintain.

Option #2: Link Build

“Link building” is another SEO tactic—when you link build, you try to increase the number of websites that link to your firm’s domain. In an ideal world we’ll publish a blog and dozens of other websites will read our blog and be so inspired they’ll link to it themselves. While this occurs for major news networks like CNN or the BBC, it will not happen for 99% of PI law firms. Instead, you can offer your expert opinion in the form of a guest blog for a related organization, such as a local cycling club.

The goal here is to get a backlink to your firm as well as some referral traffic from the site that’s linking to you. Much like guest blogging, there are two big caveats:

  • Webmasters know the value of a backlink, so they’re not just going to hand links out to every Joe Blow who sends an email
  • Link building takes a long time
If you’re managing your current personal injury practice, will you really have time to send cold emails to related organizations asking them to publish your guest blog on personal injury law? The odds are slim. While link building is often successful when it comes to generating personal injury leads for free, it is—once again—a time consuming effort in a saturated industry.

Option #3: Work On Your Referrals

Referrals can help your firm sign free personal injury leads in a couple of ways: you can get referrals from both your old clients as well as other law firms.

Always maintain a good relationship with your current clients in the hopes that they send their friends and family your way. After all, nearly 3,300 people in the US die every day in a car crash. Not that you’d ever wish ill upon your client’s loved ones, but the odds are good that your clients will know someone who needs legal help after an accident.

You can also try to get free PI leads from other firms in the area who may not handle personal injury law. For example, let’s say a lot of inquiries come through to your firm about lemon law, not personal injury law. If you build a connection with a local lemon law attorney, you can send that firm your lemon law leads while your contact connects you with the personal injury leads he or she receives.

Referrals are one of the best ways to consistently receive personal injury leads for free, but the volume isn’t high enough to sustain most PI law firms.

Option #4: Consider Lead Generation

Spoiler alert: working with a lead provider is not a way to get free PI leads. It can be one of the most affordable options, however. Realistically speaking, it’ll be impossible for your personal injury firm to only generate free personal injury leads. A lead provider can supplement your current personal injury marketing options at an economical rate. Our personal injury clients have an average cost per case of $800. With average legal fees from personal injury cases typically hitting $10,000+, lead generation is one of the most profitable marketing options for PI firms.

If you’re interested in learning more about our personal injury lead services and availability in your area, give eGen a call at 617.800.0089. We would be happy to supplement your current caseload at an affordable rate so you can maintain a steady cash flow and focus your efforts on generating free personal injury leads from other sources.

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