Hundreds of firms across the country have eLuminate, eGeneration’s lead and case management software. eLuminate was designed to streamline the process of signing a new client and winning cases. eLuminate was created so that every member of your firm can use the software together—anyone from a paralegal working remotely to attorneys at hearings are able to utilize eLuminate’s features at the same time.

But as an attorney, you may not want every member of your staff to have total access to your account. To help firms determine the best ways to manage their staff, eLuminate has three different levels of account access: Authenticated User, Super User, and Admin.

Users List in eLuminate

Under your users list, you will see all of the users activated on your eLuminate account. First, you’ll see their status, meaning whether or not that user is able to access his or her account. You can see Users' contact information (email used to log into eLuminate and their name), and you can see their Role. A Role will either be an Authenticated User, Super User, and Admin.

To designate a role for a member of your team, simply select “edit” on the far right-hand side of the user.

Designating Roles & Customizing Permissions

When a new user is added to your eLuminate account, he or she will automatically be designated as a “Super User.” From there, you can customize authority as much as you like. There are 12 sections you can customize based on user types.

USER: Users with this authority are allowed to add new users or edit the email address of existing users.

LEAD: Users authorized to edit leads can add and convert leads, contest leads, export leads, and delete leads.

CONTACT, MATTERS, TASKS, & DOCUMENTS: Authorized users can add, edit, delete, and update contacts, matters, tasks, and documents.

EVENTS, VIEWS, & NOTES: Any authorized user can add, edit, or delete tasks, views, and notes.

EMAIL & REPORT: Authorized users can send emails or view reports.

Why are all of these permissions important? It all depends on how your firm is run. If your intake staff is only dedicated to contacting leads, you will likely want to remove their permissions for Matters. A matter is a pending case, so it’s unlikely that your intake staff will have anything to do with them.

You may not want to have every employee at your firm have the ability to add new users. You could consider only allowing decision makers, like attorneys or managers, to add new users to your eLuminate account.

Here’s an example of how you could set up eLuminate’s Users and Permissions for your firm:

Authenticated User: These could be your intake staff. You could allow all authenticated users to add/edit leads, upload documents (critical to making a case for any claimant), create contacts, and create custom fields.

Super Users: These can be your managers or supervisors. Super Users could be given the additional ability to create events for attorneys or work with matters, keeping your pending cases up to date.

Admin: You will likely only want one or two admins. Admins should be able to control everything on your eLuminate account, from deleting matters to adding new eLuminate users.

Would you like to learn more about how using eLuminate can help your firm streamline its managing process? Give us a call today at 617.800.0089. We’d love to discuss how eLuminate can help your firm be more successful with your cases and legal leads from eGenerationMarketing.

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