If you’re an attorney or advocate, you know how often you send out documents to your clients. eLuminate, eGenerationMarketing’s lead and case management software that comes complimentary with purchase of leads, was designed to improve the efficiency of a firm. We have dozens of standardized documents available in eLuminate to help expedite the process of signing a new client. With these documents and the ease of contacting your clients, you can save your firm time and money. You can also even create professional letterheads through eLuminate's document generator.
Sending a retainer packet or a medical history release form to your Social Security disability client is simple on eLuminate. You will need to go to your client’s view on eLuminate, select “Actions,” and select “Generate Document.”

If you cannot find a document you want, or if you want a document to be customized for your firm, we are more than happy to edit one for you.
Once you select the document you wish to generate, you will either automatically generate the document, or simply need to fill in the claimant’s Social Security number. This example uses a Social Security disability claimant, so we’ll need to fill in his Social Security number.

From here, you can either download the documents for yourself, or you can send the documents to your claimant via EchoSign.

Both options have their benefits. If you choose to download the documents, you can send them to your claimant in the mail. This is a good option if your claimant has a disability that keeps them from using computers, such as blindness or Parkinson’s disease. It’s also better for claimants or attorneys who simply prefer to handle important documents on paper as opposed to online. Some of our attorneys like to have their clients come into their office in person, so downloading documents is a better choice for them.
The second option is EchoSign. EchoSign allows you to save time by eliminating the need to use paper at all. If you choose to use EchoSign, the claimant will be sent the document via email. Before sending the documents, you can Cc yourself or your paralegal working with the claimant. Whatever email address you choose to Cc will be the email address the signed documents will be returned to.

When a claimant receives a PDF via EchoSign, many fields will already be filled out, such as his own name, your firm’s name, his Social Security number, etc. There will also be sections he needs to fill out himself, such the date, what type of claim he or she is filing, and a signature. EchoSign allows your claimant to sign any documents electronically on a computer.

When the claimant finishes filling out the form, he or she will press “Click to Sign” at the bottom of the page. Once the form is finished, the signed and completed form will be sent to the email address you CCed to the document. Using EchoSign, you can sign a new client in a matter of minutes instead of waiting days or longer for the documents to be sent through postage.
If you want to learn more about our Social Security disability, employment law, personal injury, and workers' compensation leads, feel free to contact us today or give us a call at