From TV commercials to radio jingles, there are many forms of legal marketing available for attorneys today. One option thousands of firms across the country choose to invest in is legal lead generation for law firms.
Legal lead generation is a legal digital marketing option that immediately connects a law firm with claimants who have indicated interest in legal help on another organization’s website. Instead of investing in your own in-house campaigns, you rely on third parties to send you high-quality contact information.
How Are Legal Leads Generated?
The ways third-party companies generate legal leads varies depending on who you’re working with. Keeping that in mind, here are some common ways companies generate legal leads:
- PPC advertisements
- SEO efforts
- Email marketing
This generation method involves creating ads for Google or Bing and displaying them for searches related to an area of law. It’s likely you’re running your own PPC ads for your firm now. Typically, leads generated via paid ads are highest quality. This is because a search engine marketer can select which queries an ad will be displayed to, meaning the ad is displayed to people actively seeking legal help.
The majority of our Social Security disability, personal injury, employment law, and workers’ compensation leads we sell are generated via PPC advertisements.
SEO Efforts
SEO, or search engine optimization, is a marketing technique in which a company attempts to receive more unpaid traffic to its website. SEO essentially brings free traffic to a website, but it’s time consuming and slow to get started. This is especially true in oversaturated areas of law like personal injury or workers’ compensation. Lead quality from SEO efforts can vary wildly depending on the types of content a lead provider adds to its websites.
Email Marketing
Email marketing involves sending campaigns with either forms or links to a website to a group of consumers who are potentially interested in legal help. While this is not necessarily the case, leads generated via email marketing can be lower quality than those from other campaigns. This is because the ad is sent to someone instead of a user seeking legal help themselves.
Saving On Marketing Costs
What’s the biggest benefit of working with a lead generation company? You don’t have to handle the advertising campaigns yourself! This allows your firm to focus on other day-to-day needs, like preparing for upcoming hearings or contacting potential claimants to screen their cases.
Work With eGen Today!
We have an entire marketing team dedicated to our lead generation efforts to ensure that our leads are as high quality legal leads as possible. To learn more about our lead pricing and availability in your area, give us a call today at 617.800.0089. We’d love to help your firm increase its caseload through legal lead generation today.