While some law firms and advocacy groups can be extremely successful and solely focus their marketing efforts on legal lead generation, not all of them are set up in a way they can be successful. We have compiled a list of common challenges attorneys and advocates may face when receiving our legal leads.

Inability to Make Contact with the Leads

As with any other attorney marketing campaign, there will always be leads that a law firm or advocacy group is unable to contact for one reason or another. However, from what our clients report, a law firm or advocacy group that has a prompt and persistent follow up should be able to make contact with 70-80% of the leads they receive from eGenerationMarketing.

This is not always the case with our clients. During client follow ups we sometimes find that the reason why a particular firm possibly was unsuccessful in making contact with the leads is because they were not set up to call the leads in a prompt and persistent manner. It is important to understand that the claimants who come to our websites are in difficult situations and do not tend to be the most proactive. Therefore, calling the leads once is not always enough to make contact. We typically recommend our clients to call the leads about 10 times, in the span of two weeks.

In order to help our clients in their follow up efforts, we have developed a Live-Transfer feature, where we place an automated call to the leads. If the leads accepts, the call then would be transferred to the attorney or advocate.

Difficulty Receiving Signed Fee Agreements

Along the same line of making contact with the leads, some clients have reported difficulty getting signed fee agreements back from potential claimants. This is usually due to a lack of persistent follow up once the agreements are emailed out.

We have spent countess hours developing eLuminate, our online client management software, to help clients better keep track of fee agreements that have been sent out. Using eLuminate, clients are able to identify which clients have been sent packets and whether or not said client returned the signed agreement. By having these leads in one central place, law firms and advocacy groups are able to follow up more persistently with a particular lead until they are ultimately converted to an official client. eLuminate also has the functionality to send documents to be signed electronically via Adobe Acrobat Reader and Document Cloud e-sign services

Selling Benefits of Hiring an Attorney or Advocate

Some clients report that they difficulty converting some of the leads they are able to make contact with because they do not want representation. Clients who tend to have success with the leads take an educational approach and explain the benefits of hiring an attorney or advocate.. You can review our blog post on how to Educate Your SSD Lead to find out more. Although this blog post focuses on SSD leads, the concepts can definitely be applied to other areas of law.

Other Challenges

Are you concerned about other challenges not listed on this list? Feel free to contact us in order to express these concerns.

Let's Connect!

If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.