What is Family Law Lead Generation?
Family law lead generation services refer to a service that generates and then sells family law leads to attorneys and firms looking to increase their caseload. These services, like eGen, allow family law firms to focus on clients and cases rather than trying to increase family law lead volume through traditional marketing efforts.How Are the Family Law Leads Generated?
Our family law leads are generated exclusively through paid search. Paid search allows us to focus on the leads that are actively looking for help in specific family law areas. For example, if an individual is searching for help online regarding a divorce issue, they will be shown an ad linking to our website. Here, they will then complete a Free Case Evaluation and the information will be passed along to your firm in real time.
Are the Family Law Leads Exclusive?
Yes, our family law leads are exclusive. All eGen leads are exclusive and they are sent to your law firm in real time. Leads can be sent to your preferred email address(es). It is important to keep in mind that these potential claimants are actively looking for legal help which is why we stress the importance of prompt and persistent follow up.
What Information Will I Receive with Each Family Law Lead?
Each lead that is sent will provide the following information:
- Type of Family Law Case
- Marital Status
- Relationship to Children (if applicable)
- Case Description
- Contact Information
What Types of Family Law Cases Are Generated?
Our family law lead generation campaigns generate the following family law leads:
- Adoption
- Child Support
- Child Custody/Visitation
- Divorce
- Guardianship
- Marriage and Partnership
- Premarital Agreement
- Spousal Agreements
How Many Family Law Leads Will I Receive Each Month?
We have no long-term contracts, however we typically ask for a sample size of about 100 leads in a 1-2 month time frame. This will help ensure that there is a large enough sample size to determine if a family law lead generation service is right for you.
How Much Do Family Law Leads Cost?
Our family law lead costs can vary depending on packages. Contact our sales team to get a free custom quote.
Is Lead Generation a Form of Family Law Marketing?
Family law legal case leads can be used to supplement your family law marketing efforts. Instead of working on your digital marketing efforts, we will take care of the family law lead generation campaigns. You can then spend time working with your clients.
Why Work With eGen?
Not only will you receive exclusive family law leads sent in real-time, but your firm will be assigned a dedicated account manger and access to eLuminate, our in-house case management system. If you would like to learn more about the partnership, please call 617.800.0089 or fill out a form to contact us today!