Submitted by Deanna on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 16:48

Marketing is a critical component of every successful law firm. You have seemingly endless options: From 30-second TV spots on your local stations to bus ads and billboards, there are many ways to use a marketing budget. If you haven’t taken personal injury leads before, you may be missing out on one of the most profitable and simplest personal injury marketing campaigns available. Here are the five biggest reasons to take personal injury leads.

1. They’re Inexpensive Compared to Traditional Marketing

At a minimum, you’ll need to pay $250 per 30-second TV commercial spot at a small TV station, with larger news channels costing significantly more. Some billboards can cost upwards of $5,000 per month. These untargeted campaigns are wildly expensive if your commercial airs in front of the wrong audience, or simply doesn’t resonate with your viewers.

Personal injury leads are significantly cheaper and often lead to a desirable cost per case, or amount of budget spent signing one new client. With PI leads, you don’t need to worry about the success of your own efforts.

2. You’re Paying for Contact Information

Even the most brilliant billboard or PPC ad simply might not get your firm leads. If your website is off-putting to digital visitors, or if your digital ad isn’t displayed in front of people who need legal advice, you may not receive any clients regardless of how much you spend. When you pay for a personal injury lead, you know you’re guaranteed the contact information from someone who’s interested in immediately speaking with an attorney in his or her area.

3. It’s Quicker Than Inexpensive Campaigns

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great way to slowly build your web presence over time by adding useful and informative content to your firm’s website and getting your website published on different domains across the internet. Unfortunately, SEO takes a long time. It’s unlikely that you’ll see any success within the first six months of a new SEO campaign. Some efforts take over a year to become profitable. With personal injury lead generation services, you have the potential to call claimants within 24 hours of starting your campaign.

4. You Don’t Need a Dedicated Marketing Team

PPC ads and SEO need a digital marketing specialist to maintain efficiently. To build a profitable landing page (page on your website where you direct ads), you’ll either need to hire a third-party web developer or have an in-house user experience team. All options have high start-up costs and can be disastrous when ignored.

When purchasing personal injury leads, you won’t need any marketing specialists or HTML wizards. It’s recommended that you have someone on your team focusing on calling your leads, but this could be a paralegal, secretary, or even an attorney who has a little spare time.

5. It (Should) Come With Software

Many lead generation providers offer software with your leads. While some are free of charge, others have a monthly fee, or fees to have assistance using the software.

eGen offers eLuminate, our own in-house made lead and case management software. eLuminate is free for all of our personal injury clients, as is our stellar Client Services. To learn more about our personal injury leads and pricing, give us a call today at 617.800.0089.

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If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.