Submitted by Deanna on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 15:56

Marketing can be challenging for even the most experienced firms—whether it’s maintaining profitable PPC campaigns or creating brand awareness with billboards, it’s often challenging to find something that consistently yields high-quality clients. One of the biggest questions you might be asking yourself this time of the year is, “Should I keep paying for marketing over the holidays?” Here are some of the pros and cons of maintaining your marketing efforts over the next few weeks.

Pro: Ever Growing Caseload

The obvious pro of keeping your campaigns running is that you’ll have a steady flow of clients walking through your office doors. Because it often takes years to settle one Social Security disability or personal injury claim, a lapse in signed clients means a loss of revenue down the road.

For example, let’s say your Social Security firm signs 100 new clients per year. To “take off” the week before and after Christmas would likely mean a loss of revenue of nearly $13,000, given the current average settlement for Social Security disability attorneys.

Con: Potential to Fall Behind

While it’s great to keep clients calling your firm through PPC campaigns or TV commercials, what happens when your staff is out of the office for the holidays? Data shows that the quicker you call a lead, the better the chances of getting ahold of someone.

If you’re a solo practitioner or small firm, or if your team is simply taking a well-deserved break, you might find it daunting to reach out to all pending cases when you’re strapped for staff. Fortunately, aid might be available--using case management software can dramatically reduce the time taken to follow up or contact claimants with auto-filled documents and mass email functionality.

Con: Might Be Expensive?

Some marketing expenses, like PPC campaigns, are volatile and somewhat unpredictable. You might find that PPC bids drop during the holidays because there are fewer advertisers bidding on usually popular keywords.

But consider traditional marketing platforms like billboards, outdoor ads, and TV commercials. If you have less staff on hand you’ll likely sign less cases. This means your overall cost per case (the amount of money you spent to acquire one new client) will rise, because you’re paying the same price for marketing efforts but not signing as many clients as usual.

What if Campaigns Could Easily be Paused?

It’s not easy to “pause” a four-month long billboard campaign or a radio ad you’ve already signed a contract for. Fortunately, other types of marketing can be stopped.

Lead generation is an affordable way to sign more clients without investing any manpower into creating your own campaigns. eGen allows your firm to pause for the holidays (or for any reason!) with just two business days’ notice. We also offer eLuminate, our own case and lead management software, as a complimentary service for our clients.

To learn more about our Social Security disability, workers’ compensation, personal injury, or employment law lead pricing and availability, give us a call today at 617.800.0089.

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If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.