Submitted by Deanna on Fri, 09/01/2017 - 11:31

It’s almost Labor Day! While this time of the year is great for grilling and relaxing with your friends and family, it’s unfortunately impossible to “stop” running your firm during a holiday weekend. If your staff will be on short supply this week, here are some steps you can take to ensure that you don’t miss any spectacular cases during a slow period.

1: Get All Hands on Deck When Possible

If possible, try to coordinate vacation time with your intake staff to ensure someone is available to man the phones when there’s less staff in the office. The sooner you speak with a potential client, the better your chances of signing his or her case.

If you’ll have nobody available on Friday or Monday, you can also outsource your intake process to a third-party call center. While a call center won’t be as effective at qualifying leads as your own team, you can at least ensure that a claimant hears from someone.

2: Set Up a New Voicemail

It may seem like an obvious option, but having a voicemail that addresses the fact that nobody is in the office can make a big difference when a Social Security or personal injury claimant calls your firm. Some points to address in your voicemail include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • A friendly thank you
  • You’re out of the office for the holiday
  • When you’ll be back
  • The number you’ll need to get in contact with the caller

3: Implement Automatic Emails

If you have a “Contact Us” form online, it’s likely that you’re able to send emails to submissions automatically. This is a good idea not only during Labor Day weekend, but any day of the year. A thank you email can assure claimants that you’ve received their message and that their claim is very important to your firm.

4: Pause Unnecessary Paid Campaigns

If you currently use PPC or PPV marketing, you’ll likely want to reduce your bids over a holiday weekend. It’s most likely that online traffic will be low over the weekend anyway, so there’s almost certainly no need for you to run “full blast,” especially if you won’t be in the office anyway.

The good news for firms that use our lead generation services is that the majority of leads that come from eGen are sent Monday through Friday during normal business hours, not over the weekend.

5: Get in Early on Tuesday

Fail to plan, plan to fail! Getting in early on Tuesday will help give your week a jump start and have an easier time reaching out to the claimants who contacted your firm over the holiday weekend. Hopefully, your automatic emails and voicemails assured clients that you’ll get in touch with them as soon as possible.

If you’d like to kick start your Social Security disability, personal injury, workers’ compensation, or employment law practice caseload, give us a call today at 617.800.0089. We’d love to discuss our lead availability and pricing options with your firm today.

Have a wonderful Labor Day!

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If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.