Submitted by Deanna on Mon, 09/11/2017 - 12:58

Imagine the frustration: A claimant seeks legal help online and finds a great firm in her area, but is unable to actually reach out to get legal assistance. If it's hard for someone to contact your firm, you could be missing lucrative claims without even realizing it. To ensure no perfect claimants slip through the cracks, here are some ways to make it easy to contact your firm.

Have Your Phone Number & Email on Every Page

It may seem obvious, but having your phone number and a general email address visible on every page will go a long way in getting claimants connected to your firm. Don’t bury your contact information at the bottom of the page either. Social Security disability claimants in particular often have poor eyesight and vision loss, so it’s important for everyone to quickly and easily find your phone number. If you’re not sure whether or not your contact information is easy to find, ask friends and family members to quickly look at your site.

Include a "Contact Us" Form

It can be hard for claimants to proactively contact a law firm, especially if they’ve been injured in a car crash or at work, or have a serious disability. A “Contact Us” form will allow claimants to submit some case and contact information for your firm to review at a later point.

Contact Us forms can be as long or a short as you’d like. There are pros and cons to different form lengths—It’s more likely that you’ll get frequent messages from a very short form, but it’ll be impossible to know if the case is pursuable if all you have is a claimant’s email and phone number. Long forms will give your intake staff plenty of information, but are daunting for users to fill out online.

“Contact Us” Tab

A website needed a dedicated contact page to accompany phone numbers and email addresses listed throughout your site. Social Security disability claimants may seek the “traditional” contact URL to get ahold of your firm. You can also include your firm’s address on your contact page to help claimants navigate to your firm to file paperwork in person if need be.

In all instances, having a website that’s easily readable will go a long way in getting clients’ contact information into your inbox. Messy drop-down bars or sloppy contact forms will deter claimants from messaging you.

Digital Marketing and Your Firm

If your firm has flawless contact forms and clear phone numbers but still isn’t signing as many cases as you need, your website’s design may not be to blame. Without traffic to your firm’s site, you’ll never reach the pending caseload your firm needs to remain profitable.

If you’d like to supplement your current caseload with high-quality legal leads, give us a call today at 617.800.0089. eGenerationMarketing is a leader in Social Security disability, personal injury, workers’ compensation, and employment law legal leads. We’d be happy to increase your caseload while with profitable claims while you improve your current digital marketing strategy.

Let's Connect!

If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

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