Submitted by Deanna on Fri, 03/02/2018 - 10:09

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a popular form of digital marketing for thousands of law firms across the country. SEO is the process of getting more organic (unpaid) traffic to your website. Many law firms use SEO because once a website is large enough, it’ll generate leads on its own without additional effort from a digital marketer or legal professional. If you’re considering using SEO to generate leads, here are some top ways you can try to get your site to perform well:

Adding Content

Fresh content is one of the pillars of good SEO. Without adding new content to your firm’s website, you won’t have anything show up when potential claimants turn to Google or Bing looking for legal assistance. Additionally, the more content you add to your site, the more frequently Google’s search engine will crawl your domain. If Google indexes your pages quickly you’ll see traffic grow quicker than a site that’s updated infrequently.

So how often should you add new content to your firm’s website? There isn’t a hard and fast rule here, but typically speaking the more content you’re able to add to your website, the better. A single blog post per week is a good minimum threshold to meet. But the more the better—a Hubspot study found that companies publishing 16 blog posts per month (4 per week) had 3.5x as much organic traffic to their blog than competitors. If you have staff that’s available to write articles on your area of law, it’s a good place to start for building out an SEO lead generation campaign.

Optimizing Pages

So you’ve added great blog posts and you’re getting traffic from potential claimants. What happens if someone lands on your website from Google and is met with a long paragraph and nothing else? Without pages that are optimized for user experience, you’ll have a difficult time generating leads through SEO.

How do you optimize a page for potential claimants? The first thing you should do is make sure there’s some way for a user to contact your firm. Many law firms choose to have a large popup ad display once someone’s online—this is not a good idea anymore. While it may be effective, Google is cracking down on “spammy” pages whose content is primarily advertisements or popups. A “Contact Us” form on the side of the page is a safer way to get claimants to contact your firm.

Another important factor for SEO is readability. A long paragraph of text is much harder to read than several smaller paragraphs and lists. By creating user-friendly content, you’ll help keep people on your website and subsequently increase your odds of someone reaching out.

Skip the Groundwork With Lead Generation!

SEO is an excellent way to generate leads because your website essentially runs on its own without a great deal of upkeep. The challenge is that SEO campaigns often take months or even years to become profitable. It’s possible your firm adds one new blog post per day without seeing any revenue for a year. Are you able to invest that much time into marketing without receiving any settlements?

Working with a lead generation marketing company like eGen is a great way to supplement your own efforts and ensure that you have enough new clients coming through the door. Give us a call at 617.800.0089 to discuss our Social Security disability, personal injury, workers’ compensation, and employment law cases.

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