You’ve probably read countless articles about why you should be blogging. But writing and posting a blog is just half the battle. You then need people to actually read your blog for it to be successful and for your firm’s site to reap the benefits. So, why is no one reading your blog?
Reason 1: It’s not optimized.
You can post a fantastic piece of content, but if it’s not properly optimized then it may never appear on high on search engines results. When writing a blog, keep in mind key words you’d like it to rank for. If you’re writing about qualifying for Social Security disability with breast cancer, then you may want to do some research to include keywords (such as disability benefits and breast cancer, SSD for cancer patients, etc.). If you neglect to research keywords ahead of time, then you may find you have a blog that won’t appear in search results you’d like your firm to be in.
Reason 2: It’s irrelevant to your audience.
Always keep your target audience in mind when coming up with your blog topics. If your blog doesn’t seem useful, people won’t read it. When your blog is trying to appeal to potential claimants, whether SSD or employment law, you need a blog that helps answer their questions. Tips on how to have a successful claim will likely do better than a blog on your favorite vacations spots.
Reason 3: You talk about yourself A LOT.
Posting content about your firm’s accomplishments is great! You want potential claimants to know you’re successful, but if your blog is only dedicated to only discussing you or your firm, it probably won’t gain much traction. Not only do you want to seem successful, but you also want to seem knowledgeable. Your blog is where you can show how much you know about dealing with large companies in a workers’ compensation claim. Though you shouldn’t stop the blogs about your accomplishments, add them in every few blogs rather than every blog post.
Reason 4: You don’t promote it on social media.
Social medias like Facebook and Instagram are easy ways promote your blog. When you post a new blog, upload to your firm’s social media accounts. Those who like or follow your firm will then gain access to your new posts without having to search for it. You can even add button for others to share your blogs on their own social media accounts, further supporting your blog!
Reason 5: Your formatting needs work.
People are less likely to read long, wordy paragraphs. If you don’t have your blog formatted to be easier to read, then it’s less likely to appeal to today’s readers. Try to break one long paragraph into two shorter, more concise ones. Using things like subheads or lists can also help readers skim and find information that is relevant to their claim.
Reason 6: You post inconsistently.
Consistency matters in blogging. Instead of just sporadically posting when you remember, try creating a schedule. Whether you post once a week or twice a month, a schedule will keep your blog on track and your content fresh. Plus, this will give Google new content on your site to regularly index, showing your firm has an active site.
Keeping these tips in mind, take a few minutes to review your firm’s site. With some simple fixes and optimizations to your firm's blog, you’ll have more readers in no time!