Submitted by Deanna on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 15:55

Some Social Security disability attorneys are wary of taking cases at the initial claim—You may think that there’s not a lot of value to a claim that hasn’t accumulated years of back pay. This is not necessarily the case, and if you avoid initial applications, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars in won settlements. Here are some top reasons why you should always keep initial applicants in mind:

#1: There’s Less Work for You

If your firm takes initial claims, there will be less work for you and other attorneys at your firm. Most paralegals and intake staff can handle the screening and vetting of initial claimants, meaning you have more time to spend on larger pending cases and preparing documents for court.

What if you’re a solo practitioner and don’t have the budget for a dedicated intake staff? You may be able to streamline your firm’s efficiency by using case management software. eLuminate, our own lead and case management software, allows you to email dozens (or hundreds) of potential claimants at once, and send along retainer packages online for quick signing.

#2: Instant Back Pay for SSI Applicants

Millions of people receive SSI benefits every year, and if you sign a SSI claimant with a viable case, you’re almost guaranteed back pay. While there are no retroactive payments for SSI applicants, their waiting period is just one month before back pay entitlement. While it’s unlikely you’ll have a $6,000 back pay windfall with an SSI claimant’s back pay settlement, signing smaller cases that involve little-to-no work on your end will only add to your firm’s profitability. Speaking of retroactive payments…

#3: If a Claimant Hesitated in Applying, You Could Still Get Back Pay

Retroactive payments entitle SSDI applicants to up to 7 months’ missed Social Security benefits (after subtracting the 5-month waiting period). If a claimant receives the 2017 SSDI payment of $2,687 per month, your 25% cut of the retroactive benefits would be a staggering $4,702. Not a bad payday for a Social Security claim that doesn’t even go to court.

#4: It’s Harder For Claimants To Find You After a Denial

If you wait for claimants to seek out your firm after a denial, you’ll have more competition from other firms. In an area as saturated as Social Security disability law, your firm will be competing for search engine results from not only dozens of local firms, but nationwide firms as well. Unless you have a dedicated digital marketing specialist on your team, you may find that your site is outperformed by larger competitors. Finally, at this day and age, most claimants have legal help when initially applying for disability benefits. If you don't take initial applicants, you'll dramatically reduce the number of claimants you can work with. Fortunately, there’s an easier way to get more claimants without spending an arm and a leg on digital marketing campaigns.

Purchasing Social Security disability leads is an easy and hassle-free way to get connected with disability claimants who are seeking legal help immediately. If you’re interested in discussing our SSD lead pricing and availability, give us a call today at 617.800.0089. We’d love to help your firm increase its caseload today.

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If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

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