Submitted by Rachel on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 17:21

Winter is here and for some, that means so is the winter blues. With the days getting darker and colder fast, energy levels can drop. Productivity levels can suffer in response. Here are some ways to stay productive while wishing the winter blues away.

1. Exercise

Adding some exercise into your daily routine can help reduce any stress and improve your sleep. Find some time, whether before, during or after work, to incorporate some kind of physical activity. If your schedule is packed with client meetings and taking a half hour to exercise isn’t in the cards, try just parking your car on the other side of the parking lot or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. Go Outside

One way to beat the winter blues is to go outside and get some sunshine. If you can, try exercising outside. If you’re going to meet with a client, try taking a longer walk outside to your car. Even a quick walk will let you soak up the natural light and make the winter seem a little less dull.

3. Create Lists

Each day, create a to-do list and stick to it. Don’t overwhelm yourself with an unobtainable amount of items on the list. If you list seems a little intimidating, start with the painful tasks first. Once you complete the more difficult tasks, the easier ones will seem like a cakewalk and you’ll be able to get out of the office sooner. Having a list will make it easier to complete tasks around your busy schedule of meeting with clients.

4. Start Your Day Earlier

Waking up early may be difficult at times, but it’s much worse trying to stay motivated to keep working once its dark out. You’ll likely get the majority of work done while it’s light out. If you get up early to tackle that to-do list, you’ll be finishing the most pleasant work as the sun sets and be able to finish the day’s tasks while it’s still light out.

5. Disconnect from Distractions

Ipads and tablets are great for meeting clients outside of the office. Before heading out to meet your latest case, be sure you’ve shut off any notifications or log out of any apps that are not work related. The more distractions you have popping up, the harder it will be to stay on task.

If you think an increase in your caseload will help keep the blues at bay, consider trying lead generation. Working with a lead provider means getting contact information for people who are actively seeking legal help. To speak with someone about our Social Security, personal injury, and workers’ compensation, call us today at (617) 800-0089.

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