Submitted by Rachel on

Not every employment law claim is created equal. Some have claims that are a slam dunk while other may take more time and effort to prove. While examining your employment and labor law leads, keep these indicators of a good employment law case in mind:

1. Your lead is no longer working for the employer.

If your lead is still working for their employer, then chances are they may not have the strongest case. It may be that they have a conflict with their boss or with a coworker and that no crime has actually been committed. If your lead is no longer working for the company, then there is a higher chance of a strong case. The lead may have been wrongfully terminated or felt they had to leave their job for their own safety.

2. Your lead has substantial evidence.

An employment law lead that has clear evidence of a crime will likely have a strong case. This will take away from the he-said she-said that can often ensue in an employment law claim. Though the evidence needed can vary by the type of claim, some great pieces of evidence include:

  • Copies of emails, memos, notes, etc. where harassment or discrimination took place
  • Copies of conversations with HR about the incident(s) in question
  • Employee performance reviews
  • A journal detailing any discrimination or harassment
  • Paystubs supporting wage theft
  • Any relevant company polices or contracts
  • Witness statements

The more evidence a lead is able to provide, the better the chance to proving their claim and the more damages your client may be entitled to.

3. Your lead can establish a pattern of discrimination or harassment.

For workplace discrimination or harassment employment law claims, establishing a repeated pattern will help the legitimacy of a claim. The unfortunate reality is that sometimes just one comment or action made by the abuser is not always enough for a successful claim. If a lead is able to show that the discrimination has occurred more than once or that the harassment has been constant, then your lead may have a much higher chance of success with their employment law claim.

4. Lead’s employer was a private employer.

When a lead is filing a claim against a federal or state employer, the statute of limitations will be shorter than those filing a claim against a private employer. In addition, claims against a federal or state employer are just overall harder to win than those against a private employer. This is not to say every employment law case against a federal or state employer cannot be successful, but they will be more difficult than your cases against a private employer.

5. The crime happened recently.

If a lead is just now finding they were not paid properly a few years ago, or that five years ago they were actually passed on for a promotion due their race, you may not be able to help them now. With many employment law case types having a two or three year statute of limitations, it can be difficult to help those with older cases. In addition, the more recent the case, the more time you’ll have to prepare your claim without worrying about not having enough time to gather the necessary evidence.

Getting More Employment Law Cases

If you’re looking to expand your employment and labor law case load, lead generation can help. With eGen, you’ll receive the contact information for employment law leads as soon as they complete a free evaluation. Along with their contact information, all leads complete some qualifying questions and give a short description of their case, helping you understand their claim before even speaking with a lead.

To learn more about our employment law case leads, call us today at 617.800.0089!

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