Submitted by Deanna on Tue, 01/16/2018 - 16:54

Thousands of Social Security attorneys and advocates across the country use a Social Security disability lead provider to find and sign high-quality cases every year. If your firm hasn’t used a lead provider before, you may be confused about the quality of SSD leads and how your firm can use them. Here are six common myths debunked regarding Social Security leads:

Myth: They’re All Children

Again, most people who contact an attorney seeking legal help are adults over age 45. While some childhood cases are generated, most are adults needing SSDI benefits.

If your firm doesn’t handle childhood SSI cases, you can set up your SSD lead package with eGen to filter out any applicant under the age of 18. This will increase your average lead price, but ensures that you won’t receive any leads from parents applying on behalf of minor children.

Myth: They’re All SSI Cases

Social Security disability leads aren’t the bottom-of-the-barrel cases—like all Social Security claims, the vast majority of claimants have SSDI cases. We do not offer screening by SSDI or SSI cases, but by implementing organic screening by age, you can filter out many SSI cases.

Myth: They Come From Old Email Marketing Campaigns

Most reputable lead providers will use a variety of sources to generate leads. It’s always important to ask where your leads come from, as some sources yield higher-quality cases than others. An email that was sent to 10,000 contacts three months ago probably wouldn’t generate the hottest leads.

The vast majority of eGen’s Social Security disability leads are generated through pay-per-click advertising, meaning your firm instantly receives contact information from claimants actively seeking assistance.

Myth: They’re Sent to Everyone

Some lead providers are exclusive, but some aren’t. A common myth is that your lead will be sent to five other neighboring firms in the area, meaning you’ll need to scramble to call your lead before someone else.

While some lead providers operate under this model, eGen doesn’t. Our SSD leads are always exclusive to one firm, meaning you won’t need to battle other attorneys for one new client.

Myth: SSD Leads Are Expensive

Many attorneys or advocates who have never worked with a lead provider are under the impression that Social Security disability leads are wildly expensive. We’ve found at eGen that lead generation is often one of the most inexpensive forms of marketing available. A good metric to evaluate a marketing effort’s cost is called “cost per case,” or CPC. Your CPC is the total value spent on one campaign, divided by the number of new clients you signed.

Our Social Security lead clients have an average cost per case of $300, which we’ve found to be significantly lower than average marketing costs across other channels like TV commercials, digital ads, or billboards.

Myth: It’s Hard to Get Started

Not all lead providers require a year-long contract or a minimum spend threshold to get started. When you with eGenerationMarketing you won’t need to sign any long-term contracts, and there’s no “minimum” number of Social Security leads you’ll need to buy every month.

To learn more about our Social Security lead pricing and availability in your area, give us a call today at 617.800.0089. We’d love to get your firm started with Social Security leads!

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If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.