Submitted by cm on Fri, 12/13/2019 - 14:48

Generating and managing leads is one of the top challenges for law firms. Having a platform that allows your law firm to be as efficient as possible is crucial. eLuminate is a web-based and highly customizable platform that helps you manage your leads.

The features highlighted in this article include: document generation, email templates, mass actions, performance reports and work flow automation. All of these features complement each other to provide an ideal case lead management experience.

Document Generator

In this technological age, there is no need for filing cabinets—everything is at the click of a finger! This feature makes it easier to search for documents and you’ll have access to your documents no matter where you are, (granted that you are connected to the Internet). eLuminate contains several standardized documents which serve to accelerates the process of signing a new client. With the document generator, there will be no need to manually fill in every piece of information about your client. Common fields such as name, address, age, date of birth, and many more will auto-fill.

Email Templates

Having an email template can be a game changer when you’re short on time. You can use one of our pre-made templates or create one of your own. If a claimant has failed to respond to you, a template can be made to encourage the claimant to call.

Mass Actions

With mass actions you will be able to convert, delete, or print multiple leads at a time. Additionally, you can generate customized documents or send customized emails to several leads at a time. Completing actions for several claimants at once, all in one click can be a great time saver, giving you more time to focus on the case.

Performance Reports

Performance reports are a great way to gain insight into how successful your leads are. By keeping the lead result field in your account updated, you will be able to see the most accurate data in your reports. Namely, you’ll have a clear report on the percentage of leads you’re contacting, desiring, and signing. With this data you will be able to gage which strategies are going well.

Work Flow Automation

Work flow automation is the newest addition to eLuminate. To effectively manage workflow, you will need to create a rule to carry out an action. To do this in eLuminate you should:

  • Name the rule
  • Choose when the rule should be triggered and criteria for the rule
  • Associate an action that happens when the rule is triggered

In eLuminate, a rule can be triggered updating a record or date. It can trigger three different types of actions: an email that is sent, a record that is updated, or a task that is created.

There are many rules you can create with workflow to cut out any tedious tasks. For example, when signing a new client, you may want to send a welcome email. To do this you should first name the rule. In this case, the name of the rule could be “Send Welcome Email to Signed Clients”. Next, choose when the rule should be triggered. In this case, it should be triggered when the lead is updated. Lastly, the criteria should be specified. For this example, the rule should be triggered when the criteria is “Result is Signed”.

You can also associate this rule with a related action. In this instance, the action would be “Send Welcome Email.” First, create a welcome email template. Then, create an action that sends the welcome email by choosing the welcome email template. Lastly, relate this action with your “Send Welcome Email to Signed Clients” rule. Make sure your rule is activated, and your workflow is all set!

If you’re currently purchasing leads from us, remember that you get a complimentary eLuminate account. Reach out to your account manager today to learn more about the software. If you’re interested in purchasing leads from us that can be managed with our lead management software, give us a call at 617.800.0089.

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If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

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