Submitted by emm on Fri, 12/06/2019 - 14:47

Whether your firm is large or small, having effective communication in the workplace is imperative to having a firm that is running smoothly. Friendships and relationships cannot be sustained without open communication and the same should go with your law firm.

When you communicate with others effectively in your firm, whether you are a partner, paralegal or intake staff member, it’ll help encourage a healthy working environment, as well as eliminating misunderstandings. Here are the best ways to communicate effectively in the office.

Regular Check-Ins

Having regular check-ins with employees is essential for effective communication in the workplace, especially if you have a leadership role within your firm. When you have these check- ins you will see how your co-workers are handling their cases, projects, and day-to-day tasks.

You’ll be able to see their progress or lack thereof. The check-ins don’t need to be just about performance; you can get your employees’ feelings about the firm as a whole and see what is working well and what isn’t.

Try finding a good balance between giving them space to be able to do their work and not being over them all the time and micromanaging everything. You wouldn’t want to check-in 3-4 times per week. Planning check-ins every couple of weeks or once a week will give you a good idea of where this person is at.


Communication isn’t just you trying to get your point across; it’s a two-way street. If you aren’t listening to what your coworker is saying, you won’t be on the same page.

One of the biggest reasons for not being on the same page is not communicating effectively with one another. For example, if you are a managing PI attorney and your intake staff is explaining to you writing case descriptions accurately, give them your full attention.

Listen to their concerns. If they have a suggestion on what they think might be more effective, don’t make a quick assumption and reject their ideas. Wait until they are done talking and then raise your questions or comments.

Be Aware of How You Say Things

There are a few tips to consider when you speak to your coworkers. First, be articulate when talking to other people in your firm. Being articulate when you communicate will make it easier for other people at work to understand the message or strategy that you are trying to convey.

Second, try not to mumble. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. When you mumble through a message, it sounds like you aren’t confident about what you are saying and your coworkers simply might not understand you.

You might. assume your co-workers are clear about what you are talking about, but they may not be.

Third, don’t be serious all the time with your coworkers. Oscar Wilde once said, “Life is far too important to be taken seriously.” If you’re able to joke and speak more casually with your employees, your message will be passed along in a more relaxed way. This will help create a friendlier atmosphere at the firm, and will likely make your coworkers happier!

Putting This In Motion

Communicating effectively is not only important with people around the office, but with clients too. Make sure to sound assertive and confident when you are telling them how you can help.

For example, if you are a Social Security disability attorney, since the process of getting approved for benefits can be confusing at times, make sure to use laymen’s terms, explain the process slowly, and give claimants your undivided attention, so you can understand their needs to help them out the best.

If you need more claimants and clients to communicate with, give us a call today at 617.800.0089 to discuss our legal leads. We’d be happy to discuss pricing and availability with your firm today.

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